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He/she is a «Trusted Journalist» according to the terms of use of Trust-J.

Important: This image shows a press card. This is not an official identity card. Details here.
Publication Languages
German, English, French
Language Skills
German, English, French
Journalistic functions
Text author, Photographer, Visual designer, Audio producer, Radiojournalist, Moderator, Presentator for live Events or Shows, Journalist
Field of activity
Covers any field of activity
About me
Jardinier passionné de plantes en général et de roses en particulier depuis l'enfance, mon activité journalistique s'articule autour de l'horticulture professionnelle et du jardinage pour les particuliers.
Jardin, roses, rosiers, plantes, horticulture, potager, arbustes, arbres, plantes vivaces, légumes, fleurs